Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does the shipping take?-

Shipping usually takes 1-2 weeks, but if there's a large number of orders this will be extended by one more week

2. Do you deliver products internationally?

Yes, we ship worldwide.

3. How may I track my order?-

Your order can be tracked by checking our website, in there, you can see a track my order tab.

If you are having problems or need help tracking your order using the mentioned tools, please reach out to us and we’ll be happy to assist you and track your products.

 4. Can I return an item for a full refund?
Yes, Our policy lasts 30 days.

5.I've placed an order with multiple items recently, can I combine them into one package?

Since we have several different manufacturers and warehouses worldwide, not all items are stored in one package. When you order multiple items at a time, each item will be shipped out separately. So you will probably receive one item before the next.

6. Why I received only some of the items in my order and not all of them?
The Awesome Urban Psy has partnered with many manufacturers and warehouses around the world. When you place an order with multiple products in it there is a chance that those products are stored in different locations and will be shipped separately. They will travel through various routes via multiple carriers which can take different shipping duration to your address.

Don't panic if you don't receive all of your items at once…they will get to you!

7. How long is the order processing time?
Once you submit an order and the payment is confirmed by our system, the order goes into the processing and shipping stage. The processing step takes between 2 and 5 days. That’s when the products are getting prepared and the shipping labels are registered. We’ll notify you about the tracking codes at the end of this step.

8. Who delivers my item(s)?
Your items are delivered by our fulfillment center and will usually reach you via your local postal service in your location.

9. What happens if no one is at home?
Not to worry, most of our items will be left in your postbox if they are small enough and if the postman does not have access to your postbox, it will usually be left at your local post office for you to pick up!

10. Can I change my billing address?
Billing addresses are currently non-editable to prevent and minimize fraud from happening. Please note that all details entered and submitted to us are final.

11. My order has not arrived yet, even after 1 month.
While some parcels can arrive early, some others may have shipping delays, or you may live in a more isolated region from where we sent our items from. If your order hasn't arrived within 45 days of the date of original purchase, contact our support team for a full refund of your purchase.

12. FREE items, Just Pay Shipping? What’s the catch?
There is no catch. We often run temporary promotional free item campaigns where you will just pay for shipping and we then can do a mass fulfillment process to make this possible. We get value in cross-selling and hopefully having you come back to us in the future for regular priced items. Additionally, our team works tirelessly to search for products that our worldwide partner manufacturers and warehouses want to give away for free just to free up some space for new products. You are only responsible to cover the cost of shipping.

13. Can FREE items be returned for a refund?
Unfortunately, the Free - Just Shipping Items are not eligible for refunds because they are free. However, if you are not satisfied with the products in any way, please reach out to us and we may be able to arrange an exchange or replacement.

14.I've put a wrong shipping address and/or picket a wrong size/variant! Can I change it? 

If this happens to you, contact us as soon as possible, we MIGHT be able to take care of it. However, we can't promise anything as all our items are usually processed immediately after you order and ship out the same day or a few days after. If your order has already entered the shipping process, we won't be able to stop it. Contact us anyway, we still care and we'll try to make it right for you. We know how frustrating it can be to pay for something you can't use.

15. When will I receive the refund after I’ve returned an item?
Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If you are approved, then your refund will be processed, and a credit will automatically be applied to your payment method account, within a certain amount of days. For more details please read our Refund Policy.

16. I want to add a different billing address than the shipping address
In order to provide a different billing address to continue with the checkout process and you will be given the option to do so on the "Payment method" page after the "Shipping method" page.

17. I received a wrong/damaged item. What should I do?
In case you have received an item with quality defects or you have received a wrong item, please contact us along with the photo of the damaged/wrong item that has been sent to you and we will be more than happy to send you a replacement item right away.

 Please email us directly at info@urbanpsy.com for any concerns.

18. Why was my order canceled?
If your order was unexpectedly canceled, chances are that our fraud filter marked your order as fraudulent. If you are certain that that is not true, please order again or contact us.
19. Unreceived Confirmation Email
If you have not received any emails from us confirming your purchase, do let us know immediately via our contact form with your full name/shipping address name and we would help sort this out as soon as we can.
Sometimes our emails may end up in your spam/junk or other folders and we would like to ask you to check them before contacting us.

20. Unable to view email properly
If you are unable to view the email from us properly, do get in touch with us and we will resend you the email.